Just as every anatomy is unique, the symptoms of Autism are also unique, so there can be no universally acceptable symptoms or treatment of Autism.
The news can bring a sigh of relief for parents of autistic children. Dr Kailash Mantry has come up with the big claim that Autism can be treated without using medicines. The Mumbai-based Indian doctor says only therapy-based treatments are enough to treat almost all autistic cases.
Autism is one of the mental illness conditions that stop brain development and impacts the person’s overall cognitive, social, emotional, and physical health. It impairs the affected individual’s ability to interact and communicate with others. Generally, symptoms of autism start showing in children at an early stage.
Most mental illnesses are termed mysterious health issues because the exact reason for their eruption is yet to be found out by medical science. Consequentially no specific medicines or treatments have been developed by neuroscientists & physicists that can claim all successful handlings of any type of brain disorder.
While there are no full-proof diagnostic methods for treating the autism spectrum disorder, some medications such as risperidone or Risperdal blended with therapy can help address the issues, reduce symptoms and remove learning disabilities in the affected child.
There are different types of therapies along with medications such as behavioural, speech, and occupational therapies, ABA, RDI, and sensory therapies. It should be noted that just as every anatomy is unique, the symptoms of Autism are also unique, so there can be no universally acceptable symptoms or treatment of Autism. Hence, the severity of each of these disabilities decides the treatments procedure adopted by the treating physician.
Nonetheless, Dr Kailash Mantry says he understood the anatomy of the problem and learnt that Autism is caused by various reasons like deep-rooted anxiety and nervous, emotional, and mental breakdown. Towards this end, Dr Kailash and his assistants at Mantry Healthcare, in their research, designed a high-quality mind mapping test. An interesting finding of the research was that the child might have Autism because of parent-related issues. For instance; During the pre-pregnancy period, if the mother suffers from stress or anxiety, the after-effects are transmitted to the child in the womb. This can cause Autism in the child.
Finally, he and his team concluded that Autism can be cured to a great extent without medicine. What is needed is proper behavioural and communication therapies. The treatment should be based on applied behavioural analysis usually carried out in schools and clinics. It will help the child to shelve negative thoughts. Moreover, a discrete trial training with Pivotal response training should be incorporated. If we can do an intensive behavioural &vernal intervention as early as under 5 years, then the result can be overwhelming.
Additionally, a holistic approach where parents or doctors get onto the floor to chalk out learning activities, everyday life skills, etc. through occupational therapies, can be very fruitful. Furthermore, Dr Kailash Mantry stresses the importance of proper nutrition in the development of children. he includes sensory integration therapies to helps autistic children who get irritated by bright light, touching body, or other sense-related issues.
The eminent doctor has worked substantially in administering autism disability and has achieved resounding success with positive results. Dr Kailash Mantry not only treats Autism but also many similar diseases like anxiety and depression, insomnia, stammering, and schizophrenia, among others.
Please visit www.kailashmantry.net to learn more or you can Visit Mantry Healthcare.